[Actiwisdom] Fwd: New messages from Guyo Halake Rendilicha

Sara Zavaree sarazava at gmx.net
Di Jul 2 23:16:28 CEST 2013

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	New messages from Guyo Halake Rendilicha
Datum: 	Tue, 2 Jul 2013 12:13:15 -0700
Von: 	Facebook <notification+ae4ey2qa at facebookmail.com>
Antwort an: 	Message email reply 
<m+30tsgo96000000dwryju00002l98uobwg1kbzbt6vhb7avkg2du at reply.facebook.com>
An: 	Sara Zavaree <sarazava at gmx.net>

+254710953283 <https://www.facebook.com/guyohalake> 	
Guyo Halake Rendilicha <https://www.facebook.com/guyohalake> 	16 June 10:17


Hi Sara Hi Sara <https://www.facebook.com/guyohalake> 	
Guyo Halake Rendilicha <https://www.facebook.com/guyohalake> 	2 July 20:43

Hi Sara
Hi Sara

Hi Sara; I have been able to secure an... 
Guyo Halake Rendilicha <https://www.facebook.com/guyohalake> 	2 July 20:45

Hi Sara; I have been able to secure an appointment with the German 
embassy Nairobi on 6th/August/2013 from 10.30 am

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