[Actiwisdom] Chat mit W.
Sara Zavaree
sarazava at gmx.net
Di Mai 14 22:00:44 CEST 2013
wie immer, wenn ich mit Wangui kommuniziere ist die gesamte Motivation
wieder da. Auch wenn chatten ganz schön doof ist...
Also sie sagt, mit kleinem Budget gehts auch. Für die Studenten wäre es
schon so aufregend genug hier hin zu kommen. Sie will ein gemischtes
Team 3m/3f aus drei verschiedenen Universitäten zusammen stellen. Die
trifft sich morgen mit einem der der Leader und schickt uns dann
Kontaktadressen. Für das Fromale brauchen wir einen "affadavit". Das ist
eine formale, von der deutschen Botschaft abgesegnete Einladung von
Jugend in der Welt. Zusammen mit reservierten Tickets und Versicherung
können dann die Visa beantragt werden.
Versicherung haben wir in unserem Low Budget Plan leider noch nicht
drin, aber ohne gehts auf keinen. Darüber müssten wir nochmal sprechen.
Dorothea hatte angedeutet, dass das eventuell über Attac gehen könnte.
Die Bedenken dazu wurden von mehreren ja bereits geäussert, aber
vielleicht wäre das eine Option, die übernommen zu bekommen. Ausserdem
hatte sie ein Reisebüro an der Hand (Barbara, Jannik erinnert ihr euch
an den Namen?), das freundlicherweise die Tickets so lange reserviert
lässt, bis die Visa-Geschichte geklärt ist.
Der Transparenz halber hab ich euch mal den Chat reinkopiert.
So, schönen Abend euch noch,
* Today
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
Hi Wangui, are you online?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
hope ur fine
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
I am at home and I am online. How are you?
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
very good
long day..
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Yes, quite.
Great protest on the MPs salary. Wasn't there, though.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
oh great.
I remember MPs in Kenya earn more then in Germany
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
And they want even more money. Ridiculous.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
so there are some issues I'd like to discuss with you
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
okay, shoot.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
As you know, we had great difficulties finding sponsors for our project
so we came out with the idea to reduce it a bit
we would like to invite 4-6 students to germany for summer
(august/September) for about 3 weeks
the whole thing would be very low budget
we would provide for flights/visa/insurance/accomodation and food
but we wouldnt be able to provide for pocket money, or hotels or
things like that
first of all we'd like to know from you if you thing the students
could arange with a low budget programme
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
I had in mind the involvement of bonafide university student
leaders, and there was great interest from the elected leaders.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
did you make some contacts allready?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Yes, they would. It would be great if part of the programme would
get them in touch with other students. But they would be quite
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Yes, I have contact with student leaders from all 17 public
universities and 32 private universities.
I helped the students set up 2 bodies to bring them together,
hopefully jointly they will be able to tackle the rising fees.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
so you think, it will be possible for them to sleep at other peoples
houses and not in hotels etc?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Getting student leaders is not difficult, they are very interested.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
this is very crucial for us, that there expectations twowards the
comforts of their stay are not to high...
we found a new association just for that project. It's called
"Jugend in der Welt" (Youth in the world)
As soon as possible we need to get the tickets to start the visa
application process
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Yes, why not. It is actually the better way to travel, that is what
I prefer. It may be good to organize a speaker's tour if you can,
just to give them a little cash to come back home with. Other than
that, they should have no trouble at all, assuming that they will
live as I usually do. I do not mind living with people at all, in
fact, I prefer it.
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
It would be good for them, if possible, to visit squats and
alternative living cooperatives, primarily because they need to
organize similar setups.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
Well this cash thing might be a problem. But we allready planed to
collect during the speakers tour for that.
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Ah, I can help them with the visa application process. I have a clue!
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
very good.
As I remember from Dorothea. We first need to get the tickets, is
that right?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
I see. They do not need much money, I expect the trip alone would be
enough excitement for most.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
I talked to her. And she said there is a travle agency that keeps
the tickets reserved as long as the application process longs.
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
No, we need an affidavit from Jugend in der Welt, (the official one)
and a letter of invitation. Hopefully with the details of the plan.
We need to buy health insurance, and book (not buy) the tickets.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
whats an affidavit
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
There is an official document that the organization in Germany needs
to get from the government that states that they will support the
students. I think it comes from the government, it is a standard
one. Most organizations that invite foreigners will know it, but I
can also find a copy of one of those sent to me and forward it to
you if you need it.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
would be great
please forward
so when do you think the students wil be able to come? if we assume
visa stuff will take about 1-2 month. do you think august/september
is possible?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
August September is possible and ideal. The semester here are
staggered, and three weeks is not too long. I would need to consult
with students themselves, I have just called the chairman of
Students of Nairobi University, I will meet him tomorrow. Shall we
mix male and female students?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
3 of each?
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
would be perfect I guess
we can organize funds for 4 for sure. we thought of inviting 6 just
in case some won't get the visas... do you thing this is a good way
to go?
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Yes. And it will be easier to get the visas if we involve the
universities. They usually support the students, plus the students
themselves have access to documents of support.
6 is okay, not too many so we do not get too much stress. Are you
thinking of getting them to travel all at the same time?
I mean, will they live as a group or will you split them?
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
we'd like to have them as a group
because of our funding situation, the main place will propably be berlin
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
The students, ideally, will not come from one university so it will
make an added advantage if the trip also allows them to bond in a
way that will give impetus to their activities when they return.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
but we would like to visit some protest camps with them
sound great
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Well, I like Berlin well enough. Can we get two students from three
different universities? Male and female?
And also, training in non violence.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
good. the training will be included anyway. we can have a train the
trainer weekend. or something like that. so what would be the next
steps to take?
can you set up a team and send us their contacts?
after that we should try to get that affadavit and take care of
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
yes. I will start with the SONU leader and the KEPUSA students.That
can be done within the day tomorrow.
There should be formal correspondence between Jugend and the student
unions, and maybe even the universities. Just for formality.
I will help with the visa process. I shall get you the contacts.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
For now we are not cooperating with any universities. The whole
thing is very low profile
but we could arrange talks in universities. That would be no problem
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
No, no. I meant the universities here. Because that will help in the
visa process, to get the confirmation of the student status. But the
student leaders can organize that.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
ah ok
so how long do you thing it will take to build the team?+
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
By the weekend. I shall meet with SONU chairman tomorrow and with
the others. Shall we agree that we have 3 male and 3 female?
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
so you send us their details, and we start the formal process
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
I will leave the students to organize how they decide who comes, but
will probably require that whoever they choose already should have a
passport so that we do not have to have stress.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
very good
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
I will send both email and phone number.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
another thing: what subjects do you think the students could talk
about? For the speakers tour
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Ah. Let me ask them about that and get back to you. I have my
opinions, but that is largely a result of my interactions with many
activists. They could talk about things like cost of education, fair
trade, EPAs (which, btw, we are still being forced to sign)
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
then I wanted to ask you another thing:
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
there are two more sources of fundind we hope to get, and they are
in east africa. we thought it would be best when you approach them
first there is the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. They have an office in
Nairobi. Then again the Rosa Luxenburg Stiftung with an office in
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Okay, we can do that. Sounds okay. We can use KENGONET and the
students unions, they are all legally recognized.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
would be best
here are the contacts:
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Regional Office East and Horn of Africa
Katrin Seidel
Forest Road
P.O. Box 10799 -- 00100 GPO
Nairobi, Kenya
Fon: +254-20-26 80 745
+254-20-26 13 997
Fax: +254-752-37 26 76
E-Mail: ke-info at ke.boell.org
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Heinrich Boll I know where it is, I participate in their monthly
talks on women.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
ah perfect
and Rosa Luxenburg Stiftung
47, Ndovu Road
Mikocheni B, P.O. Box 105527
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Telefon: +255 777 903894
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Tanzania, hmmh. Just trying to figure it out, but there is email. We
can also ask the German embassy for direct support. Maybe even GIZ.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
The second one, is politically closer to us, but they refused to
support us, because they don't know you yet. They also operate in
Kenya. So maybe you could call then and ask for a meeting. I dont't
know if it will help, but you can say that you cooperate with
"skills for action". They fund us here in germany.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
the embassy and GIZ would also be great. The more funds we get, the
more things we will be able to do
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Rosa Luxenburg? Will do. I will ask that they meet us with the
students. I think I can organize that.
Okay. Let me first get the students on board. Will forward the
contacts tomorrow.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
sehr schön. we have our next phone conference on thursday. There we
wanted to decide how to proceed.
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Cheers. Thursday it is, then.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
So when the budget issue is more transparent, it's easier for us to
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
Take care. Bye.
*Sara Zavaree <https://www.facebook.com/sara.zavaree>*
So I will call you thursday in the evening to come up with a procedure
good night
*Wangui Mbatia <https://www.facebook.com/wangui.mbatia>*
good night.
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