[Actiwisdom] Samba

Sara Zavaree sarazava at gmx.net
Di Sep 10 14:46:55 CEST 2013


der Samba-Kontakt-Mensch findet das gut, kann selber aber am 19. nicht. 
Wir könnten versuchen Ersatz zu bekommen (s.u.) oder wir finden einen 
anderen Termin. Was meint ihr?

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Re: Meeting with kenyan activists
Datum: 	Tue, 10 Sep 2013 14:33:59 +0200
Von: 	coma <coma at riseup.net>
An: 	Sara Zavaree <sarazava at gmx.net>

ey, Sara,

good to read that, it sounds exciting. Actually i heard of this visit
through other ways, thanks for thinking of us. I would be glad to
facilitate such a brainstorming. I have to admit i know basically
nothing about Kenyan activism, is there something i can look through
about the people coming?

Its nice you made such a concrete proposal. Unfortunately ill be away
from berlin from the 19th in the morning. As i see it there are two

a) we try to find other gap in our agendas for such a meeting
b) we ask that other people of the band meet them instead on the 19th

Since the idea is to meet some sambistas, ill be forwarding this to our
band anyways, and see if some people are interested for the proposed
date. Let me know what you think about the options.

take care


I got your email from Gasha from cologne, as you do political samba in 
berlin. For an exchange project with kenyan activists, we are looking 
for some sambistas who would facilitate a meeting/workshop with the 
 From 09. Sep until 26. Sep they will be in Berlin to meet people from 
divers activist backrounds. They want to extract from this encounters 
some ideas how for their activities in Nairobi/Kenya.

As music and dance plays a crucial role in political demonstrations in 
Kenya, we thought it would be interesting to have an exchange with 
sambistas. We don't want to have a real samba workshop, but rather a 
brainstorming, how music and dance can be strategically integrated in 
political protests.

Would you be interested in such a meeting? The 19th of September would 
suit us best, but other dates ar of course also possible. The 
meeting/workshop ought to be around 3h.

Greetings, Sara

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