[Actiwisdom] Fwd: programme draft

Sara Zavaree sarazava at gmx.net
Fr Aug 23 22:44:57 CEST 2013

Sara Zavaree

Bonnerstr. 13
50677 Köln


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:

> Von: Zack Kinuthia <kinzak.kinuthia at gmail.com>
> Datum: 23. August 2013 21:01:34 MESZ
> An: Sara Zavaree <sarazava at gmx.net>
> Betreff: Re: programme draft

> Hi Sara....as the clock tick,we are getting optimistic day by day.I met my team yesterday and discussed the programme in a City Restraunt.We all embraced the programme as it is and unanimously agreed to request if it would be possible to hike mountains and see the sights like lakes and beaches.We appreciate all that you people are doing.Cheers
> Sara Zavaree <sarazava at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Dear Team,
>> hope you are all well. Your stay with us is moving closer and we are all 
>> very excited to welcome you in germany!
>> Next week we will fix the programme for you. As Zak informed us, you 
>> are going to meet on thursday and we want you to discuss the attached 
>> programme draft and give us a feedback until the end of the week.
>> We are particulary interested in the following questions:
>> - Is the agenda clear? Do you need further information on any of the 
>> suggested items/topics?
>> - Which of the suggested items/topics do you like. Which ones would you 
>> like to concentrate on more?
>> - Which of the items you don't like? Which ones would you rather cancel?
>> - Are there any items/topics that you are missing in the draft?
>> As I mentioned before, the programme is not fixed yet! So we really 
>> expect you to utter your oppinion.
>> Greetings,
>> Sara
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