[Actiwisdom] Fwd: Enquiry.

Sara Zavaree sarazava at gmx.net
Do Jun 13 21:39:35 CEST 2013

Sara Zavaree

Bonnerstr. 13
50677 Köln


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:

> Von: Halake Guyo Rendilicha <halakeguyorendilicha at yahoo.com>
> Datum: 13. Juni 2013 19:34:32 MESZ
> An: "sarazava at gmx.net" <sarazava at gmx.net>
> Betreff: Enquiry. 

> Good evening? I am Halake Guyo, student leader at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. I got your email from student leader, University of Nairobi, Mr. Zack. I would like to enquiry about student leaders' exchange program in your country and also answer questions that you may have ..Thanks
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
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